速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, F

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, F





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:P.O. Box 1006 Sparks, MD 21152

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖1)-速報App

Baby Log answers the big questions.

* How long will I need to pump?

* How much milk do I need to store?

* Is my baby eating enough today?

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖2)-速報App

No math required!

Baby Log is an extremely easy to use app for parents to monitor their baby's progress and for moms to track their milk output and stash. It was created for all mothers, whether they exclusively pump, nurse, use formula, or just want a simple way to track what's in their freezer. Includes cloud storage, device synchronization, and account sharing.

* Automatic night mode for late night sessions!

* Nursing Log

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖3)-速報App

* Diaper Log

* Growth Log

* Sleep Log

* Hydration Log for nursing and pumping moms!

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖4)-速報App

* Pump Log

* Stash Log

* Customizable colors and fonts. Make it yours!

* Informative charts

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖5)-速報App

* Supports multiple children

* Supports supplementation and estimated costs

* Provides statistics on pumping sessions and the amount of food your baby eats

* Daily feedback regarding number of days left for you to pump

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖6)-速報App

* Notification Reminders

* Appointment Scheduler

* Count up Timers with alarms in your notification bar

* Allows you to turn off features you don't use so if you only want to track stash or only want to track feeding you can do that!

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖7)-速報App

The developer will make every effort to fix bugs immediately and add new features as they are requested. Join the community and participate in the feature request system! Thank you!

Baby Log (Stash, Nurse, Growth, Sleep, Feed)(圖8)-速報App